Friday, February 20, 2009

Rick Santelli Is Invited To The White House

Rick Santelli, the CNBC reporter who we described in yesterday's blog, has just been invited to the White House to discuss the President's mortgage bailout policies. Santelli, who attacked those policies and had a crowd of traders cheer him during his broadcast, has become an overnight rock star. People are sending in emails advocating "Santelli For President-2012" and a "Chicago Tea Party." Meanwhile, some liberal journalists are attacking him for "being against the poor." The truth is that if Obama's policies are completely carried out we will all be poor.

The White House is obviously shaken by the response to Santelli's comments and has invited him for coffee. Santelli has responded that he will be glad to go and discuss the economy with the President, but he does plan to bring a tea bag rather than have coffee. You gotta love this guy. Go to the CNBC website to see what is happening.

One person can make a difference.

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